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  Sparta. Beyond the Mirage
edited by Anton Powell and Stephen Hodkinson
ISBN-13: 978-0-7156-3183-6 ISBN-10: 0-7156-3183-7, hardback, xx+354 pp., 2002,

The editors: Anton Powell and Stephen Hodkinson have jointly edited The Shadow of Sparta (CPW and Routledge, 1994), and Sparta: New Perspectives (CPW and Duckworth, 1999). They also collaborated on Powell (ed.) Sparta: Techniques behind her Success (1989).  Individually each has produced a series of influential studies of Sparta. Hodkinson is the author of Property and Wealth in Classical Sparta (CPW and Duckworth, 2000) and Powell has written Athens and Sparta (2nd edn, 2001).

The study of the Spartans is now pursued more widely and intensively than ever. Indeed, no longer is Sparta the 'second city' of ancient Greece. This volume, the fourth in the established series on which Powell and Hodkinson have collaborated, breaks fresh ground, not least in the range of its contributors. The authors of the fourteen new papers represent nine different countries and demonstrate many of the fertile modern approaches to the history, the archaeology - and the still-influential image - of the city on the Eurotas.


Introduction - Stephen Hodkinson
1. Herodotus and Spartan despotism - Ellen Millender
2. Spartan ate at Thermopylai: semantics and ideology at Herodotus, Histories 7.234 - Michael Clarke
3. Was sophrosyne ever a Spartan virtue? - Noreen Humble
4. Three evocations of the dead with Pausanias - Daniel Ogden
5. Iron money and the ideology of consumption in Laconia - Thomas J. Figueira
6. Iron money in Sparta: myth and history - Jacqueline Christien
7. The invention of tradition in classical and hellenistic Sparta - Michael Flower
8. Notes on the influence of the Spartan Great Rhetra on Tyrtaeus, Herodotus and Xenophon - Michael Lipka
9. Helotic slavery reconsidered - Nino Luraghi
10. Helotage and Spartan social organization - Nikos Birgalias
11. Settlements of Spartan perioikoi: poleis or komai? - Andrey Eremin
12. Ouk homoioi, agathoi de: the perioikoi in the classical Lakedaimonian polis - Norbert Mertens
13. Sparta compared: ethnographic perspectives in Spartan studies - Marcello Lupi
14. From Thermopylae to Stalingrad: the myth of Leonidas in German historiography - Stefan Rebenich