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  Appian's Roman History: Empire and Civil War
Edited by: Kathryn Welch
ISBN-9781910589007, hardback, pp xi + 403, 2015,

Appian of Alexandria lived in the early-to-mid second century AD, a time when the pax Romana flourished. His Roman History traced, through a series of ethnographic histories, the growth of Roman power throughout Italy and the Mediterranean World. But Appian also told the story of the civil wars which beset Rome from the time of Tiberius Gracchus to the death of Sextus Pompeius Magnus. The standing of his work in modern times is paradoxical. Consigned to the third rank by nineteenth-century historiographers, and poorly served by translators, Appian's Roman History profoundly shapes our knowledge of Republican Rome, its empire and its internal politics. We need to know him better. This book studies both what Appian had to say and how he said it; and engages in a dialogue about the value of Appian's text as a source of history, the relationship between that history and his own times, and the impact on his narrative of the author's own opinions - most notably that Rome enjoyed divinely-ordained good fortune.

Some authors demonstrate that Appian's text (and even his mistakes) can yield significant new information; others re-open the question of Appian's use of source material in the light of recent studies showing him to be far more than a transmitter of other people's work.



'Appian of Alexandria: A Reappraisal’ - Kathryn Welch (University of Sydney)

'A “very valuable book”: Karl Marx and Appian’ - Andrew G. Bonnell (University of Queensland)

'Breviarium Totius Imperii: The Background of Appian’s Roman History’ - Josiah Osgood (Georgetown University)

'Thucydidean Stasis and the Roman Empire in Appian’s Interpretation of History’ - Jonathan J. Price (Tel Aviv University)

'Appian, Polybius and the Romans’ War with Antiochus the Great: A study in Appian’s Sources and Methods’ - John Rich (University of Nottingham)

'The Sources for the Civil Wars of Appian of Alexandria’ - Richard Westall (Catholic University of America, Rome)

'Appian’s Characterisation of Scipio Aemilianus’ - Fiona Tweedie (University of Sydney)
'Deceit in Appian’ - Eleanor Cowan(University of Sydney)

'The Erotics of Appian’ - Luke Pitcher (Somerville College, Oxford)

'Tiberius Gracchus and the Nations of Italy’ - Martin Stone (University of Sydney)

'Appian and the Judiciary Law of M. Livius Drusus (tr. pl. 91)’ - Kit Morrell (University of Sydney)

'Appian on the Pharsalus Campaign: Civil Wars 2.48-91’ - Tom Stevenson (University of Queensland)

'Programme and Narrative in Civil Wars 2.118-4.138’ - Kathryn Welch

'Hortensia Speaks: An Authentic Voice of Resistance?’ - Bronwyn Hopwood (University of New England)

'Epitaphios: Appianos and his Treasured Eutychia θησαυρίζειν τὴν εὐτυχίαν’ - Kai Brodersen (Erfurt University)